neither left, nor right, but a third position:
mission statement for: new vision of third position
if love is the answer, and equity is the expression, then "third position" is the (political) philosophy
"third position" defined. NV3P is focused on spiritual regeneration of people, building self-sufficiency, and exploring ideas for changing our trust relationships for interacting with our neighbors:
become a giver- i.e. equity solution for money & banking
innovative business structures (i.e. distributism)
use of new clean energy technologies.
gardens for growing organic, non-GMO foods
permaculture for sustainable land use & design
bioArchitecture: healthier homes, productive business
use of open-source solutions whenever possible
community meetings for fun, fellowship & education.
see: earth sanctuary as Planetary Blueprint example,
safe haven village creating sustainable, community,
and OneCommunityRanch’s “the highest good of all”
“If you don’t have a moral question in your governing
process, then you don’t have a process that’s going to
survive.” – Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper, Turtle Clan.
Isn’t the idea of “ecclesia” defined as a community of
“called out ones”?
How can we build self-sufficient communities if we
ourselves have not yet “come out of babylon”
so to speak?
If our vision is leadership into self-sufficiency, then we
are free to invest in people which builds community.
Resulting in sustainability built on interdependent
group benefit: aka a Fraternal Benefit Society